Category: Non classé

Mastering Zeus x27 in CS2 The Definitive Guide!

Mastering Zeus x27 in CS2: The Definitive Guide!

The latest game-changing update in Counter-Strike 2: the Call To Arms Update! With this recent release, players are in for a treat as the developers have not only overhauled the Zeus x27, but also introduced a fresh new skin for it. This update has sparked curiosity and debate among CS2 enthusiasts, wondering how these changes…

Safeguarding Your CS2 Skin Collection

Safeguarding Your CS2 Skin Collection – Essential Scams to Beware Of

In CS2, your prized weapon skins hold considerable value, safeguarding oneself against fraudulent activities is paramount. This article will outline prevalent scams and offer strategies for securing your digital assets. Because CS2 skins are valuable and can be exchanged for real money like cryptocurrencies, scammers use tricks like phishing and social engineering to steal them.…

4:3 Resolution Better than 16:9 for Counter-Strike 2?

4:3 Resolution Better than 16:9 for Counter-Strike 2?

Deciding on the optimal resolution in CS2 frequently ignites discussions among players. The argument is about whether you should keep using the old 4:3 shape or change to the wider 16:9 shape. It’s not just about how things look; it affects how the game plays, how aware you are of what’s happening, and how easy…