6 Best CS2 Custom Game Modes You Should Know

Valve released Counterstrike 2 a decade after CS: GO first hit the market in 2012. The concept of the game is simple. You jump into a 5 vs 5 battle as either Terrorists or Counter-Terrorists. But, there’s more to it.

You can try out the 6 best custom CS2 game modes to take your fun experience to the next level. Continue reading to learn about CS2 modes and uncover new ways to improve your skill set.

Casual Mode

The first on our list is the Casual Mode. As the name indicates it provides players with a relaxed environment where beginners can become acquainted with the game’s intricacies.

The following are the crucial highlights of this mode:

  • Instead of a 5 v 5 battle, Casual mode features 10 players for each team.
  • Relaxed economic restrictions allow you to try out different arms and determine which suits you best.
  • Whether it’s a friend or an enemy, you can spectate any kill cam after you die in this mode.

Premier Mode

Premier mode is all about adrenaline and strategy. It revolves around ‘CS Rating’ which changes based on the players’ victories and losses.

Let’s see what awaits us in Premier mode:

  • To enjoy the competitive mode, you must pay a one-time fee of $14.99 to upgrade to Prime Status.
  • This mode consists of a map-banning system which means teams take turns banning (taking out) the ones they don’t want to play on.
  • You have to ace 13 rounds to be crowned as winners. If the battle ends in a draw, the match extends up to 6 additional rounds, of which you must win 4 to secure the victory.

Competitive Mode

As the name suggests, the CS2 competitive mode tests out your skills. It’s quite similar to the regular mode with some tweaks to help you prepare for topping up the ranking charts.

Let’s dive into this mode:

  • The match structure features a traditional format with up to taking the lead in 30 rounds to stand victorious.
  • The success depends on your skill set including communication, accuracy, and map knowledge.
  • Individual ranks are assigned to players for each specific map which means there isn’t a single ranking system.

Death Match

This mode is true to its name. You get to kill as many enemies as you can. CS2 beginners have a lot of queries about shooting and viewing angles. Deathmatch is the best mode to resolve it by allowing you to practice target shooting and setting up your field of view.

Let’s have a look at this mode in detail:

  • This match lasts up to 10 minutes and offers free weapons.
  • The thing that further elevates the adrenaline is instant respawn in deathmatch. Players can get back into the game instantly after they die in a 10-minute window.
  • You are allowed to roam all the maps and rewarded with 11 points for a gun-kill.


The workshop is best defined by customization and innovation. It features different modes allowing players to set up their custom games for enjoying with friends or participating in community maps.

Allow us to give you a sneak peek into this mode:

  • You get to craft your favorite visual elements and maps to roam around.
  • Hone your skills such as movement, recoil, and shooting along with enjoying surfing and site retaking.


This mode translates to a 2 v 2 battle. Instead of multiple players roaming around, it’s just you and your buddy on the battlefield to face two opponents.

What more lies in Wingman mode is listed below:

  • In order to enjoy Wingman mode, you have to win up to 7 matches in other game modes.
  • The 2 v 2 battle requires winning 16 rounds each having a 90 seconds time window.
  • Unlike other modes, Wingman offers a fast-paced action scenario where there’s no scope for mercy or mistakes.

3 Helpful Tips For Improving Your Skills In CS2

As mentioned above, we covered 6 different CS2 game modes. But, there’s one thing common in all of them, skills. Without the right set of moves, you can’t ace any mode in the game. Let’s learn how you can stand tall in Counterstrike 2.

1. Understanding the Maps

Without understanding the layout of your battlefield, you can’t stay alive for a longer period. If you know of enemy hideouts, bomb locations, and the best sniping position, this will guarantee your triumph. We always recommend diving into the maps before jumping onto the battlefield.

2. Improving Your Aim

If you are wasting bullets on the battlefield, then you are only a liability for your team. Make sure to hit the bull’s eye and strengthen your team’s position. To improve your aim, you need to pick up a weapon that suits your playstyle. Don’t go for weapons that have higher recoil.

Try out different weapons in Deathmatch and Wingman mode. These modes will not only help you make your aim better but also enhance your strategy.

3. Financial Strategy

Always keep a sharp eye on your wallet in CS2. It’s not about blazing guns only. You need to utilize your budget properly for purchasing weaponry, armor, and utility. Discuss the finances and available resources with your team and ensure everyone has what it takes to stand victorious on the battlefield.


Let’s windup the 6 best CS2 custom game modes. Counterstrike is not limited to a single gameplay mechanism. There are various modes you can try to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you want to keep coming back after dying, check out the Deathmatch. If you want to challenge yourself, dive into Competitive or Premier mode. For enjoying with your close friends, Wingman mode is the best available option.

Nevertheless, all CS2 modes offer unlimited fun. Make sure to learn how to read maps and manage your budget properly. Communicating with your team and making better strategies is a key to success in CS2.

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